Teal Carpet
It all started at the altar. Teal carpet. 5 years old. I said yes.
I was at kids camp. If memory serves me right, there were beach balls flying, "mud" pudding with gummy worms, and way to many children. Every summer my church put on kids camp and being my first year to be old enough to attend I was thrilled. Camp lasted 5 days. My mom would drop me off in the morning and pick me up later in the afternoon. My life would forever be changed.
As much as I would love to share the details of that week, much of which I don't actually remember, the whole week culminates in one moment. It wasn't the camp games or the story time. It wasn't because I met a cool friend or made cool arts and crafts. It was the moment I said yes to Jesus. A sermon kid-style had been preached that I understood and at the end an invitation to give my young little heart to Jesus, and I along with many other children rushed to the altar.
What was it about this Jesus that made even children earnestly long? Was it the giftedness of the minister or was there something more? Something irresistible and tangible that you could feel. I can't speak for the other children that knelt alongside me in that teal carpet before the raised platform at Calvary Christian Center that day, but as for me it was the gripping feeling that I had just met the meaning of the young life I was living. His Name was Jesus and He had just been displayed not only in words but with a power and a love that even a 5 year old with a short attention span couldn't miss. This Jesus of Nazareth who came to earth provoked from His Heavenly throne to bring salvation to a lost and dying world. Who came for even the youngest and least among man kind. To say Love Himself entered my heart that day would be nothing short of the truth. He not only came in, He stayed and led me along a pathway of love that I will never abandon.
If you've been searching for the meaning of life, for purpose and identity, for Truth, my dear friend, your search is over. No matter how long you've been searching high and low, near or far, Jesus Christ is here. You may be decades past 5 and have done things that you feel disqualify you from this Jesus, but that is absolutely impossible. There isn't a thing you've done or could do to turn his fountain of love off. John 3:16 tells us, in my favorite Bible translation - The Amplified Translation - "For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life." Today is your new day, and maybe the first day on your own “lane”. No pressure to, but if you're ready to experience a love like no other, pray this prayer after me. "Jesus, here I am. A sinner incapable of saving him/herself. I believe that you are the Son of God, and I confess you as my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and save my soul. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen"
If you said yes to Him today, I both welcome you home and rejoice with you in the best decision of your life. I hope you'll stick around, your journey has only just begun.